Top Tours |
National Park Altyn-Emel. "Singing sand " and Aktau Mountains Duration -3 day |
Huge natural park. The largest geological and paleontological museum in the open air. These are the multicolored mountains of semi-sweet - Aktau. These mountains have many different structures and forms and have incredible potential for photographers and tourists who love the views of "other planets".
The phenomenon of nature "singing barkhan" and the surrounding Kazakhstan savannah, where wild horses and antelopes live, is also very interesting. |
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Plateu Assy. mountain valley and plateau Duration 1-2 days |
Mountain plateau at an altitude of 2600 m above sea level. Very different types of landscape. On the one hand it looks like the mountains of Switzerland. On the other hand it is similar to the mountains of Tajikistan. Views on the plateau are similar to part of Mongolia. |
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Charyn canyon. Duration 1-2 days |
In this tour we will visit four different canyons. Valley of castles, clay canyon, yellow canyon, Temirlik Canyon and several panoramic points. We will settle for the night in the canyon Temirlik. It will be accommodation in tents, among the relic ash grove, on the bank of a small river, surrounded by natural, reddish canyon towers. In our trip, you will have to drive about 500 km of the main road and 80 km offroad, plus we will take walks in the canyons. It will be two days - very full of impressions and views. |
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Kolsai Lakes. Duration 2-3 days |
300km from Almaty, in the mountains, there are four mountain
cold lakes. These are the Kolsai Lakes and Lake Kayandy. In my opinion, in order to enjoy the nature of these truly chic places, you need to choose the right season. When the weather is right. When there are no ticks, and not so many tourists. Plus, do not forget that the way to the lakes lies through two more chic places - Charynsky Park and Assy Plateau, and if time allows you to visit them too. |
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Big Almaty lake. Duration 1 day |
It is located 18 km from the city of Almaty and it gives an excellent opportunity to see a beautiful mountain gorge in one day. Take a walk along the path among the coniferous forest through three mountain glades and drive up to the height of the glaciers to 3300m. above sea level.
The walk takes about 2 hours.
Undoubtedly, Lake Big Almaty is very beautiful, but only if you are lucky to see the high water level and the color of the lake will not change because of precipitation or water flows. Plus at the end of the program you can visit a unique show of hunting birds, which is held in the same gorge. |
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Hiking in the mountains. Duration - 1 day |
A wonderful opportunity to get into the high mountain zone in one day. You can easily walk for one hour to 3500m. over the sea and be surrounded by peaks and glaciers. To see the engineering monster is a 116 meter dam. Which in 1973 did not allow to destroy the city. And of course pay attention to the legendary high-mountain ice stadium Medeo and the ski resort of Chimbulak. |
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Tour - "4 days" |
Tour "4 days". Natural parks Altyn-Emel and Charynsky, in one round.
Two very powerful routes. Multi-colored desert mountains and Kazakhstan savannah of the Altyn-Emel park, plus various canyons and relic forest of the Charyn Park. Landscapes are impressive with their beauty, diversity, and also very rare in other parts of the world.
We offer a walk along the deserted mountains of the Altyn-Emel park and immersion in the territory of the canyons of the Charyn Nature Park. We will pass about 700 km of asphalt and 300 km of road in Almaty region. We will make two nights in a hotel and one in a tent. |
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tour "8 days" four nature parks |
Tour "8 days" four natural parks in one trip. Multicolored mountains of the desert, mountain lakes, canyons, mountain plateaus and other different and wild landscapes of the Almaty region. see more... |